Robert the Bruce Genealogy

Es gibt Neuigkeiten in der Ahnenforschung zu Patrick Matthew.

Zur Zeit erforschen Dr. Michael Sutton und Howard Minnick Robert the Bruce’s Genealogy im Zusammenhang mit der Wiederherstellung der Anerkennung von Patrick Matthew als erstem Entdecker der Evolutionstheorie.

Ich gebe hier im Folgenden einen Auszug aus einer Email. Tipp: Wer des Englischen nicht so mächtig ist, möge den Text einfach durch ein online-Übersetzungsprogramm schicken.

From: Howard Minnick
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2016 3:52 PM
To: Dr. Mike Sutton
Subject: Robert de Bruce Geneology


Please note under the Second wife of Robert de Bruce who was Elizabeth de Burgh that they had 10 Children…the tenth being the Elizabeth who married the son of William Oliphant the Castle Keep of Stirling Castle which I have mentioned numerous times and is recorded in the Oliphant genealogy of Dupplin Castle as it was presented  by Euphemia Matthew to Alexander H. Millar and published in his 1890 Book  The Historical Castle’s and Mansions of  Scotland.  Euphemia  the eldest daughter of Patrick Matthew later gave that Document to the National Archives of Scotland now known as the National Records of Scotland.  It is in the 10th packet of  20 ( i.e. GD-316/10 ) packets containing records and documents of the families of Patrick Matthew and his Mother Agnes Duncan to include the Duncan Lairds of Lundie from whom she was directly descended from and whom both Admiral Adam Duncan and Admiral Adam Drummond were also directly descended from…thereby proof of the relationship of Patrick Matthew to both Admirals and additionally now with this published geneology further shows that Patrick Matthew is a direct bloodline Descendant of Robert de Bruce.

Now then I need to show how  Patrick Matthew’s wife Christian Nicol who also happened to be his first cousin through his Aunt Agnes Matthew married to George Nicol is directly related to Robert de Bruce through both of his wives.  Not only Elizabeth de Burgh but also Robert de Bruce’s first wife…Isabell of Mar.  It is through Isabell of Mar  and her Daughter Margaret ( Marjory ) married to Robert de Bruce’s and Elizabeth de Burgh’s son David the II that the Royal Stewart Line is descended from.  That’s going to take some further research work to fully explain this step intermarriage between David II and Margaret Stewart aka Marjory.

Howard L. Minnick“

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